Handling Empty Fields, Workflow Payload, and File Links


Handling Empty Fields, Workflow Payload, and File Links


We hope you've been enjoying the new Xano and token-based authentication plugins we released a couple of weeks ago 🙂

Last week, the team shipped a number of smaller improvements to make your life in WeWeb smoother.

UX / UI Improvements

⚡ī¸ We added a workflow icon in the navigator

This helps you see where you set up workflows in one glimpse.

In the example below, glancing at the navigator, I can see that I have:

  • one workflow on my "upvote" flexbox,
  • one workflow on my "downvote" flexbox.

🔁 You can now get empty fields when syncing Airtable collections

What does that mean?

It means that when you're on an item in WeWeb that doesn't have a value in Airtable, you'll now be able to see that the value is null:

Before, you had to open the image in a new tab, then copy its URL.

Now, you can copy its URL in from the list of WeWeb images 🙂

ℹī¸ You can now see the payload in workflow logs

This allows you to see exactly what and how data is being manipulated:

The team also made a number of functionality improvements and fixed a few bugs.

⚙ī¸ Functionality Improvements

  • Added text-decoration and letter spacing properties for the button and text elements
  • Added the current user's access token in the Auth0 plugin variable
  • Added a 'toBool' function in no-code

đŸĒ˛ Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that redirected you to the wrong element when you selected the "Add file input" action in a workflow
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented you from selecting an action in the last step of a workflow
  • Fixed an error that affected the reordering of sections in the editor
  • Fixed a couple of visual bugs in the no-code formula input field
  • Fixed collection fields in dynamic mode
  • Fixed the split borders property

🤙 Learn WeWeb for Free

Finally, you may have noticed we added links to WeWeb resources in the dashboard:

If there's anything you need help with, don't hesitate to:

We're here to help! 🙂