🚨 Build an Alerting / Notification System


On this page, you'll learn:

  • how to add alerts / notifications on your app
  • how to customize and trigger the alerts

How to add alerts on your app

To add alerts to a page, go to Add > UI kit > Alert Β and drop it anywhere on your page.

Also import the section's variables and workflows so that you'll be able to use the alerts from the get-go.

Once dropped, you can find the alert section in the navigator.

As you can see, the alert is bound to a configuration variable. This variable is the alert's current state, telling it how and what to display. Edit the display option to false to make the alert stop appearing by default:

It also comes with a workflow called Display Alert which we'll use later to trigger an alert.

How to customize and trigger the alerts

To trigger an alert from a workflow, choose the Execute workflow action and then the Display Alert workflow:

In this action, they're several options you can use to trigger the alert and customize it:

  • "type": the type/color of the alert. It could be: "info" (blue), "warning" (yellow), "error" (red), "success" (green), Β "info-neutral" (grey)
  • "title": the alert's title
  • "description": the text that'll appear in the bulk of the alert
  • "cta": whether or not to display a call to action
  • "cta text": the text of the call to action
  • "cta link": the link the call to action leads to
  • "display": whether of not to display the alert. To trigger it, switch this value to "true"
  • "delay (ms)": how many milliseconds the alert will display before to disappear (best practice is 3000 to 5000ms, so 3 to 5 seconds).

Here's a visual explanation of the fields: