πŸ“Š Charts


To add no-code Charts to your WeWeb project, you can add the "Charts.js" plugin in the "Plugins" > "JS libraries" menu.

Don't be put off by the JS description if you don't code! The plugin comes with no-code settings πŸ˜‰

Choose a Chart Template

Once you've added the Charts plugin, you can drag and drop a Chart template on the Canvas from the "Add" menu:

Setup and Style a Chart Element

Chart elements have two settings: "Guided" and "Advanced".

To use the "Advanced" mode, we recommend you read the Chart.js documentation to understand what data the library expects.

For most use cases, we recommend using the no-code "Guided" mode.

When using the "Guided" mode, the Element expects the Data in the form of a list, also called an `Array`.

In the example, below, we tell the pie Chart that the Data in the graph is in our events Variable:

When we look at the Current value of the Variable, we can see three things.

First, items are listed in sequential order: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. This is because the events Variable is a list. In programming, this is often called an Array.

Secondly, we can see that each item appears to be an Object. This is also a programming term that is helpful to understand, even when working with no-code tools.

Finally, when we look at item 0, we can see that the Object contains key / value pairs:

  • id, date, and codage are keys. Β 
  • 26552, "2022-03-01", and "B" are the corresponding values.

πŸ”₯ Pro Tip πŸ”₯

It is helpful to think of Arrays as a list of items in a table in a database where each item in the Array, i.e. each Object, is a row in the table. Thinking of one Object as one row in a table, the key is the column name and the value is the corresponding value in that row.

This is important because the Chart Element expects you to:

  • provide a list of items, i.e. an Array of Objects in the Data setting, and
  • say what values you want to display in the Field setting.

In the example below, we want to make the sum of all the items that have the same value in the codage key:

There are 37 items where the "codage" is "B"

πŸ”₯ Pro Tip πŸ”₯

Arrays and objects are how tools manage to communicate with each other on the web. When a browser makes a request to a server or receives a response from a server – i.e. when two tools need to communicate through an API call – the data needs to be structured so that different tools can understand each other. That's why data is formatted into arrays and objects.